Hi. I am xDR4M4 S3TT3Rx

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Hunter (34)
Female Awoken
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 168
A lone wolf who lives for the perfect shot.
4 days 16 hours


Knucklehead Radar
You can see the point, ri...
Dead Light Grips
"At least we'll know we t...
Vest of the Exile
"Let the heat melt your b...
Carnivore Match
The Lotka-Volterra equati...


"Belisarius Defiant"
There's only one legitima...
S-13 "Graverobber"
There are many who seek t...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Equip this shader to chan...


"To rend one's enemies is to s...
Praedyth's Revenge
Praedyth's fall isn't over… be...
The Last Rebellion
Insurrection will not be toler...
Cloak of the Exile
"Was he exiled? Did he leave w...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 167 (61%)
  • Discipline - 129 (47%)
  • Strength - 254 (93%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on May 29, 2015 for 8 hours, 26 minutes.
Titan (34)
Female Awoken
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 168
The wall against which the Darkness breaks.
22 hours 14 minutes.


Spearhead Type 0
PUJARI-WEI RATIO: colloqu...
ACD/0 Feedback Fence
The Active Contact Defens...
Willbreaker's Resolve
Their blades break agains...
Willbreaker's Greaves
The ground shudders benea...


Hildian Seeker
Nimble starfighters desig...
S-13 "Graverobber"
There are many who seek t...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Equip this shader to chan...


Word of Crota
There was life, and He spoke u...
Matador 64
Be the bull.
"If there is beauty in destruc...
"Atlas's Burden"
"Other ages had the phalanx, t...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 292 (100%)
  • Discipline - 90 (33%)
  • Strength - 199 (73%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on May 29, 2015 for .
Warlock (33)
Male Awoken
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 159
Those who have stared into the Void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
16 days 19 hours


Obsidian Mind
Power from the ash.
Dusk Tread IV
"It's not a proper learni...
Iron Regalia Vestments
Ornate armor forged by th...
Immanent War Legs
Stride through chaos; lea...


"Birth of History"
Go forth and conquer.
S-13 "Graverobber"
There are many who seek t...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Equip this shader to chan...


Wolves' Leash
Collecting pelts is a good bus...
Exile's Curse
It's a blessing in disguise.
Against All Odds
Threat assessment calculates y...
Skorri's Iron Bond
"Rise above, so that you may l...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 281 (100%)
  • Discipline - 140 (51%)
  • Strength - 144 (53%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on May 29, 2015 for 1 hour, 11 minutes.
Game Kills Deaths Date