Hi. I am SergioCosta27

Characters at 40
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Hunter (34)
Male Human
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 168
Beautiful lethality, relentless style.
13 days 19 hours


Unyielding Casque
The weak will be consumed...
Grips of the Exile
"Strengthen the body, emp...
Crest of Alpha Lupi
You've heard every last t...
Boots of the Exile
"Many followed him when h...


"The Visible Hand"
Lead from the front.
S-13 "Graverobber"
There are many who seek t...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Equip this shader to chan...


"To rend one's enemies is to s...
Her Benevolence
A weapon carried by the Vestia...
Tomorrow's Answer
Could you please repeat the qu...
Legend of Six Coyotes
A cloak fashioned after the le...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 179 (66%)
  • Discipline - 201 (74%)
  • Strength - 150 (55%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on Sep 4, 2015 for 3 minutes.
Warlock (34)
Male Human
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 168
There are flames that even the Darkness cannot extinguish.
15 days 14 hours


Light Beyond Nemesis
These are the wings of pr...
Gloves of the Hezen Lords
"Capable gauntlets. Extre...
Robe of the Exile
"Let the heat melt your b...
Deathsinger's Herald
"Frankly, it's surprising...


"Extinction Event"
Dodging the Permian bulle...
XV0 "Timebreaker"
Many are brave, but only...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Million Million
Equip this shader to chan...


"To rend one's enemies is to s...
Praedyth's Revenge
Praedyth's fall isn't over… be...
Tomorrow's Answer
Could you please repeat the qu...
"Ritual Expansion"
"Beyond Sol's gravity, beyond...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 262 (96%)
  • Discipline - 154 (57%)
  • Strength - 122 (45%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on Sep 4, 2015 for 1 hour.
Titan (34)
Male Human
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 168
At close quarters a fist is better than any gun.
26 days 15 hours


Battlecage of Kabr
Kabr fought the Vex alone...
Gauntlets of the Exile
"Strengthen the body, emp...
Crest of Alpha Lupi
Whoever survives our pass...
Greaves of the Exile
"Many followed him when h...


"Little Light"
"That's not funny."
S-13 "Graverobber"
There are many who seek t...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Equip this shader to chan...


Vision of Confluence
What you have seen will mark y...
Praedyth's Revenge
Praedyth's fall isn't over… be...
Hunger of Crota
Would you defy Me? I am the ea...
Mark of the Exile
"Though the City won a great b...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 259 (95%)
  • Discipline - 186 (68%)
  • Strength - 75 (28%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on Sep 4, 2015 for 1 hour, 14 minutes.
Game Kills Deaths Date