Hi. I am Doomspawn

Characters at 40
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Hunter (34)
Male Exo
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 168
Beautiful lethality, relentless style.
13 days 6 hours


Celestial Nighthawk
Starlight is your guide....
Kellhunter's Rally
The Kell's first command...
Vest of the Exile
"Let the heat melt your b...
Boots of the Exile
"Many followed him when h...


"Extinction Event"
Dodging the Permian bulle...
XV0 "Timebreaker"
Many are brave, but only...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Default Shader
Restores your Armor to it...


No Land Beyond
Every hit blazes the path to o...
Judgment VI
Executor-issued close quarters...
Wolves' Bane
During the Hildian Campaign, t...
Cloak of the Exile
"Was he exiled? Did he leave w...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 198 (73%)
  • Discipline - 153 (56%)
  • Strength - 197 (72%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on May 29, 2015 for 2 hours, 26 minutes.
Titan (1)
Female Human
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 0
At close quarters a fist is better than any gun.
5 hours 36 minutes.


Firebreak Type 3
The trick isn't landing t...
Firebreak Type 2
Built for forward battle,...
Agema Type 0
A derivative of the Gatew...
Firebreak Type 3
This design rebels agains...


Arcadia Class Jumpship
Serviced by the Tower shi...
Sparrow S-10
Quick on the ground and s...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Default Shader
Restores your Armor to it...


Maverick Mk. 20
Hand cannons reward calm techn...
A tactical upgrade to the MKB...
Deacon RS/2
Shoulder-mounted devastation....
Mark of the Anchor
Titan orders are often accused...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 0 (0%)
  • Discipline - 0 (0%)
  • Strength - 13 (5%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on May 29, 2015 for 27 minutes.
Warlock (32)
Male Awoken
Highest Light: 0
Current Light: 150
There are flames that even the Darkness cannot extinguish.
6 days 16 hours


Obsidian Mind
Power from the ash.
Deathsinger's Grip
Grip the universe. Reshap...
Apex Harmonic
Will is an arsenal, knowl...
Deathsinger's Herald
"Frankly, it's surprising...


"Atalanta's Hunt"
Never stop for golden app...
EV-30 Tumbler
It takes a skilled field...
Generalist Shell
Born from the Traveler, b...
Equip this shader to chan...


Crypt Dweller SR1
A marskman's weapon modified b...
Praedyth's Revenge
Praedyth's fall isn't over… be...
Corrective Measure
It breaks the rules of reality...
"Dread's Enmity"
"They've stolen our worlds. In...


Level Progression

Max Level Reached

Nerd Stats

What are my current stats?
  • Intellect - 133 (49%)
  • Discipline - 0 (0%)
  • Strength - 390 (100%)
When did I last play on this character?
You played on May 23, 2015 for .
Game Kills Deaths Date